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October 23, 2006

I am Confessor, shy of masturbating...

Was browsing through links and what others write. Came across THIS post, written by The Compulsive Confessor. Funny and talks about my (one of current) favourite topics: masturbation, or the lack thereof of women doing it, talking about it and writin about it.

Earlier Doe Eyes told me there is no masturbation! I was shocked. REALLY shocked. The other day one of the intern's asked: "what do we when someone kisses you?" Why, kiss them back of course. "no, no, you dont understand...HOW do we kiss them back?"
And on the other hand the publication I write for gets like a 100 mails a week...all about men thinking their "pin-pins" (yes, some guys call their penis THAT..dont be surprised, this is India...too.) will look old, or shrivel, or grow hair, or sometimes-be-big-sometimes-small...most of which are natural things for a penis to do -- but these men think all this will happen because they masturbate a lot. Most of the pin-pin-problem seekers are guys who write about having been masturbatin since long...'start-up' age seems to be anywhere between 13-18. I could prepare a paper on the demographics of Indian Male Masturbation!

Add a 'fe' before the male and suddenly talks of masturbation aren't as much. How do men — when growin up as boys realise —their penis has more functions than peeing? Who told them? Did they talk to friends? Because if thats how they realised that the what they had between their legs could be moved to,fro, up and down and who the heck told them to move it fast?! I want to know...because WHOEVER told them....why didnt they tell the girls as well?
Why is that women dont seem to talk about masturbation the way guys do? Or write in to agony aunt columns?

I have had male boy/friends tellin me, "Shagged last night" in various ways: some grin, some shrug, some show me WHAT they were lookin at when shaggin (yeah, men TALK to me as well). What is funny is.... I am yet to meet another chick/girlfriend who says, "Dude, shagged last night." Except for Pearl who told me if she didnt stop shagging, her fingers would fall off. Heh heh. That's why Pearl be best friend!


burf said...

i do have some such questions.

one of them being:-

why is sex such a big deal in india?
and if it indeed is such a big deal then how come a ho ha billion brigade?