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March 21, 2007


And there she danced, the life of the party, the energy of the evening, watching the eyes on her, herself watching a certain pair of eyes that had been following her for a while. With a swirl of her locks, she jumped, twirled and swirled to the loops and the breakbeats and took the floor by storm. He looked on, directly, surreptitiously, came closer, danced with her even. Then she moved away and he was almost crestfallen; and even as she talked to a zillion others, she sought His eyes out. The music played on and bodies rocked on and in a quiet corner the two shared thoughts on this and that...

Chemistry at times, is undeniably visible.
And the She was not me ... and the He? That was Could-Be-Trouble who won't be trouble anymore. He likes someone else! Sigh. Shrug. C'est la vie!

Yes, yes, I can get moody and I write when am moody too. For those who wrote in, instant messaged, sms-ed and called, worried that Golu Dog and moi were about to conk it (the reference to suicide), here's the truth: both of us are NOT the suicidal type. Murderous, but not suicidal. And there's far too much spunk -- for my own good at times -- to snuff it out like that. And then of course, there's the theory I subscribe to -- if I am going down ..or have to... will take a few (and then some) down with me. It' s going to be spectacular. So that is that.

The home-scene is still dismal, the south part of my city does not want me and Golu Dog. So it's across the river that we shall shift and rule and yes when we have the housewarming, those around and interested...and of course those invited! ... are most welcome to come and drink, smoke up, eat the food I cook, piss out and pass out. Yes, that's a promise. A Clit.Chatting Night is on the agenda. There is news though for those who care: along with the house, might be changing a lot of other things too. :) Secret, secret, will reveal soon.

Last evening (tuesday) was a whole lot of fun and a little not-so-fun as well. Realised that Age has a strange way of making itself felt. Like a casual acquaintance you only meet at parties announcing that you have known each other for 10 years. TEN fucking years!!!! Or you realising that while earlier you were the one dancing right infront of the DJ console -- alone even and not bothering about who is watching and who's not -- there are suddenly Other People (read women!) doing that. And these women are 21-22 years old.... the last I was that was, le'see... 6 years back. And how your rhythm changes and the way you respond to music and the way you move changes as you 'grow'. Unless the music is hardcore energy and unless am on acid (or mdma), I really cannot do the hoppy-jumpy dancing anymore. I'd rather be the let-loose-and-groove mover than the lets-leap-across-the-dance-floor variety.

So I looked on and wondered how times change. And realised that 28 is fucking no different from 18. Back then too, one felt neither young enough to be in a certain group nor old enough to be in another...and hey! It's still the fucking same. Half the world is either married, with children and looking at either-or....while the rest of the world is made of 22-year-olds. And hell if I am going to compete with a 22-year-old nubile, young thing for attention. I know my limitations! :) The vagaries of old age I tell you.... ;) Oh heartbreak, heartbreak... better look elsewhere for who or what else could be trouble....
Heard some really kickarse music though, Shaa'ir and Funk and my all-time fav, rock-me-anytime-DJ Jayant.


deepti jakhar said...

well you know what the good not so new news is...people who'd like a 22 year old just for that would be disappointed soon enough ...hhehehe and if not for that..then your competetion still kinda stands..don you think?

Pranav said...

So you shifted localities coz of your dog...now thats totally awesome!

Jhoomur aka JB said...

Yo Raccoon!
love that Golu Dog of mine.... :) and thanks for stoppin by!

InExile said...

you know !that oscar winning thing is shitty !!
really shitty !!

Anonymous said...

@ Serial Fucker
what be that? what you be saying? elucidate dahlin....